Student Projects

SPF 360

SPF 360

A col­lec­tive tex­tile shad­ing solu­tion for the streets of Vien­na in view of the chang­ing cli­mate.

2000 1333 Ange­wandte Milano


A mod­u­lar facade green­ing sys­tem con­sist­ing of sin­gle bricks sup­port­ing wild growth in urban areas.

2199 1547 Ange­wandte Milano
Sun­ny Shad­ows

Sunny Shadows

A mod­u­lar ele­ment made out of inno­v­a­tive pho­to­volta­ic films, aligned one after anoth­er in rows, togeth­er form­ing an open roof struc­ture.

1706 2560 Ange­wandte Milano


An archi­tec­tur­al ele­ment that cre­ates shade over pub­lic spaces, as well as cre­at­ing a colour­ful and vary­ing atmos­phere.

2000 1334 Ange­wandte Milano


An addi­tion­al inner insu­la­tion lay­er for win­dows.

1467 2200 Ange­wandte Milano


A sys­tem of numer­ous, small, mov­able mir­rors span­ning above the court­yard, reflect­ing the sun­light from above down to the ground floor dur­ing the day time.

2000 1333 Ange­wandte Milano
Grow­ing solar

Growing solar

To inte­grate solar pan­els into urban archi­tec­ture with­out com­pro­mis­ing on aes­thet­ics

1536 2000 Ange­wandte Milano
Sopherl Dach

Sopherl Dach

Cov­er­ing large urban areas while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly gen­er­at­ing renew­able ener­gy using solar film.

1792 2105 Ange­wandte Milano


A mate­r­i­al study focused to the ten­sile strength of clay con­struc­tions, as clay is very good at bear­ing the pres­sure, but not at bear­ing trac­tive forces.

2000 1428 Ange­wandte Milano
Solar Riv­er

Solar River

A col­or­ful, large-scale instal­la­tion made of organ­ic pho­to­volta­ic films.

2200 1837 Ange­wandte Milano
Tube Ball

Tube Ball

A ball made out of a bicy­cle tube. Light in weight with a low bounce, mak­ing it fun to throw, kick or vol­ley around any space.

2000 1333 Ange­wandte Milano


A shad­ing sys­tem attach­able to the exte­ri­or of the win­dow. By block­ing the sun rays hit­ting the win­dow glass, it pre­vents indoor space from being over­heat­ed.

1575 2000 Ange­wandte Milano


An indoor solar pow­er plant, which can be retro­fit­ted or new­ly installed to every space.

2000 1250 Ange­wandte Milano


Dis­cov­ery of a dec­o­ra­tive ele­ment that embod­ies the ambiva­lence of archi­tec­tur­al orna­men­ta­tion.

2000 1333 Ange­wandte Milano
Dak Doos

Dak Doos

Rethink­ing city rooftops for solar pow­er gen­er­a­tion – mod­u­lar sys­tem in the con­text of urban re-den­si­­fi­­ca­­tion

2200 1467 Ange­wandte Milano
Cor­ru­gat­ed Solar Sheets

Corrugated Solar Sheets

To com­bine the inno­v­a­tive tech­nol­o­gy of organ­ic pho­to­voltaics (OPV) with a com­mon­ly used and time-test­ed mate­r­i­al, the cor­ru­gat­ed sheet

975 1300 Ange­wandte Milano
Green Grid

Green Grid

Attach­ing greens on exist­ing build­ing mass with­out harm­ing the facade, while increas­ing the inhab­i­tants’ liv­ing qual­i­ty by bal­conies inte­grat­ed with the struc­ture.

2000 1209 Ange­wandte Milano


A set of two couch­es placed next to a radi­a­tor to max­i­mize the warmth

466 700 Ange­wandte Milano


A cur­tain that can be attached around any kind of table. It works like a sta­tion­ary gar­ment, keep­ing heat­ed air under­neath the table to warm the legs and body of the sit­ting per­son.

1024 683 Ange­wandte Milano


The ‘Cooldown’ struc­ture works with nat­ur­al air flow in order to cool the air in the most ener­­gy-effi­­cient way.

1707 1548 Ange­wandte Milano
Ter­ra – Urban cool­ing spot

Terra – Urban cooling spot

A mod­u­lar sys­tem con­sist­ing of ceram­ic ele­ments on a met­al struc­ture, that strives to shade and cool down the sur­round­ing air by evap­o­rat­ing water

2200 1238 Ange­wandte Milano
Ver­ti­cal Bio­di­ver­si­ty

Vertical Biodiversity

Pro­vid­ing a place for the native flo­ra and fau­na in our cities.

2200 1238 Ange­wandte Milano


a green facade instal­la­tion that acts as a pro­tec­tive blan­ket made up of planters, mesh, and plants.

2500 1412 Ange­wandte Milano


A mod­u­lar table, stor­age, game, stool sys­tem

2048 1365 Ange­wandte Milano


a riv­et­ed alu­mini­um-plate chair, which is also a mobile heat­ing device.

1500 2000 Ange­wandte Milano
Dis­cus­sion effort!

Discussion effort!

Dear Vis­i­tor: at the core of my project is a ques­tion­naire that revolves around the top­ic of the Vien­nese box-type win­dow.

1000 1500 Ange­wandte Milano