Terra – Urban cooling spot

Terra – Urban cooling spot by Lorenz Eckl

‘Ter­ra’ is a mod­u­lar sys­tem con­sist­ing of ceram­ic ele­ments on a met­al struc­ture, that strives to shade and cool down the sur­round­ing air by evap­o­rat­ing water. It pro­vides a pleas­ant pub­lic meet­ing area, that is sus­tain­able and ener­gy effi­cient com­pared to cur­rent alter­na­tives. 

Who ‘Ter­ra’ ulti­mate­ly ben­e­fits the indi­vid­u­als who live, work next to, and vis­it the urban cool­ing spot. 

Why The pur­pose of the project is to address the prob­lem of urban heat islands that are becom­ing more preva­lent in cities world­wide. The project aims to use ceram­ics in com­bi­na­tion with water to com­bat the ris­ing heat and improve the micro­cli­mate in urban areas. 

How By soak­ing the ceram­ic ele­ments, the water evap­o­rates through the porous sur­face and extracts heat form the sur­round­ing air. This cools the imme­di­ate area. The con­struc­tion itself pro­vides shade and thus forms a place to stay. 

Where It is well-suit­ed for heav­i­ly sealed and crowd­ed urban areas, includ­ing plazas, shop­ping dis­tricts and pub­lic trans­port sta­tions.

2200 1238 Angewandte Milano
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