Green Grid

Green Grid by Wilhelm Berbig

A solu­tion for attach­ing greens on exist­ing build­ing mass with­out harm­ing the facade, while increas­ing the inhab­i­tants’ liv­ing qual­i­ty by bal­conies inte­grat­ed with the struc­ture.

Who Pri­vate hous­ings, as well as non-prof­it hous­ings, can decide to install the bal­cony-grid. Every hous­ing par­ty can decide indi­vid­u­al­ly what kind of grid ele­ment they want in front of their flat.

Why ‘Green Grid’ is capa­ble of includ­ing addi­tion­al fea­tures such as rain­wa­ter reten­tion or shad­ing with­in the sec­ond facade lay­er cre­at­ed by these archi­tec­tur­al ele­ments. It melts togeth­er the tasks of green­ing the facade and installing bal­conies with com­pa­ra­bly small mate­r­i­al effort.

How The base lay­er con­sist­ing of ver­ti­cal steel gird­ers dis­trib­utes the loads equal­ly onto the facade and into the ground. The addi­tion­al ele­ments, a mix­ture of light­weight gird­ers and fil­igrane bars, allows a flex­i­ble arrange­ment of big pots, water tanks and bal­conies of dif­fer­ent sizes. The bal­ance between big pots and climb­ing aids increas­es the amount of green­ing that can be plant­ed. The sys­tem is inspired by dif­fer­ent shelf sys­tems and fur­ther devel­oped into an effi­cient and aes­thet­ic steel con­struc­tion.

Where ‘Green Grid’ is meant to be attached to exist­ing urban build­ings with plane facades to enhance their aes­thet­ics and the green appear­ance of the city.

2000 1209 Angewandte Milano
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