POP UP SHADE by Julian Burlacu

The ‘POP UP SHADE’ is a shad­ing sys­tem attach­able to the exte­ri­or of the win­dow. By block­ing the sun rays hit­ting the win­dow glass, it pre­vents the indoor space from being over-heat­ed

Who Devel­oped for ten­ants who are finan­cial­ly unable to set up a con­ven­tion­al pricey shad­ing sys­tem for the exte­ri­or of the win­dow. 

Why Since we are in the mid­dle of a cli­mate change and fac­ing high ris­ing tem­per­a­ture dur­ing the sum­mer peri­od in mid­dle Europe, ‘Pop­up shade’ was inspired by the tech­niques or res­i­dents from the south­ern mediter­ranean coun­tries, cov­er­ing their win­dows with sun­shades, cur­tains, or even just with sim­ple fab­rics. The project is also inspired by camp­ing gear and Aus­tri­an archi­tec­tur­al activism of the 1960/70s such as “Haus-Ruck­er_­Co”. 

How The assem­bly does not require any drilling, nor is it a com­pli­cat­ed instal­la­tion. It can be eas­i­ly set up with­in few min­utes, and dis­man­tled by the end of sum­mer. Through flex­i­ble mate­ri­als and strings, the two indi­vid­ual parts can be adjust­ed to var­i­ous posi­tions accord­ing to per­son­al needs. 

Where Installed at the exte­ri­or of the win­dow (old, new, big, small), espe­cial­ly for sun exposed win­dows. ‘POP UP SHADE’ also claims the pub­lic air space in front of the win­dow as an expan­sion of the pri­vate indoor space.

1575 2000 Angewandte Milano
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