
cooldown by Emilie Karaskova and Sofia Kocher

The ‘Cooldown’ struc­ture works with nat­ur­al air flow in order to cool air in the most ener­gy-effi­cient way. To achieve a pas­sive way of cool­ing, we focused on physics and aero­dy­nam­ics. We see high poten­tial in the usage of this struc­ture as a sec­ond skin facade for build­ings in Euro­pean cities like Vien­na. 

Who Our cool­ing solu­tion is meant to ensure the well­be­ing of res­i­dents of Euro­pean cities in the face of increas­ing tem­per­a­tures. 

Why As glob­al tem­per­a­tures con­tin­ue to rise, cities in Europe are fac­ing increas­ing chal­lenges in man­ag­ing extreme heat waves. In recent years, many urban areas have expe­ri­enced record-break­ing tem­per­a­tures. This makes find­ing new and effec­tive ways to cool cities a top pri­or­i­ty for gov­ern­ments and urban plan­ners.

How We used the Joule-Thom­son effect which works with com­pres­sion and rapid expan­sion of air and with the dif­fer­ence of pres­sure in cer­tain spaces. We also devel­oped a shape that enhances the described phys­i­cal effect and oth­er aero­dy­nam­ic prin­ci­ples. This effect is nor­mal­ly used in fridges. We want­ed to break the effect down to its nature so that no ener­gy is need­ed and it works with a nat­ur­al source like wind. Test­ing the effect our­selves, we tried to fig­ure out how to get the best results. We built a sim­ple test­ing sta­tion with hairdry­ers, ther­mostats and an anemome­ter to explore how dif­fer­ent ele­ments influ­ence the effect and came to some gen­er­al results: the big­ger the struc­ture, the bet­ter the effect works. The high­er the tem­per­a­ture in the begin­ning, the big­ger the dif­fer­ence in the end. The more pres­sure applied, the bet­ter are the results. Under arti­fi­cial cir­cum­stances we achieved a tem­per­a­ture change of over 13 degrees. How­ev­er, as wind is not con­stant, these results can‘t just be imple­ment­ed into real life. 

Where The struc­ture should be placed in front of already exist­ing facades to cool them down in hot weath­er. This sec­ond skin facade acts as a ther­mal mass and also cre­ates shad­ing, while also active­ly cool­ing down air pass­ing through. As the wind enhances the effect, windy areas are ide­al. 

1707 1548 Angewandte Milano
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