
Sitzle by Yoomin Sun

A set of two couch­es placed next to a radi­a­tor to max­i­mize the warmth

Where In front of a radi­a­tor.

Who Peo­ple who like to siz­zle them­selves for the warmth.

Why A radi­a­tor is the main heat source of hous­es and apart­ments in Europe. How­ev­er, our habits of liv­ing are not an effi­cient use of this heat source. Radi­a­tors are placed on a wall on the far end of a room, yet peo­ple spend most of the time in the cen­ter of a room as this often depends on the fur­ni­ture we have and use. ‘Sit­zle’ draws peo­ple in and makes them spend time next to radi­a­tors. Being near the heat source will let peo­ple enjoy the warmth in the most effi­cient way and sat­is­fy them with less heat­ing.

How The most sim­ple and effec­tive way to enjoy the warmth is to be near the heat source. ‘Sit­zle’ caters to people’s instincts of spend­ing time next to heat sources – in this case, radi­a­tors.

466 700 Angewandte Milano
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