
Lightyard by Jakob Stötzler

A sys­tem of numer­ous small, mov­able mir­rors span­ning above the court­yard, reflect­ing the sun­light from above down to the ground floor dur­ing the day time. Thus, the qual­i­ty of life increas­es in those unpleas­ant court­yards with the dark apart­ments around it, not only by pro­vid­ing addi­tion­al light and warmth, but also by a beau­ti­ful play of light.

Who The city inhab­i­tants

Why The unpleas­ant court­yards, often occu­pied by rub­bish bins and pigeons, have hid­den qual­i­ties. They are an inter­me­di­ate zone in sev­er­al respects: ther­mal­ly, since there are stor­age mass around them pre­vent­ing strong tem­per­a­ture fluc­tu­a­tions, and social­ly, since they pro­vide a pleas­ant degree of pub­lic­i­ty. If only there were light … 

How The steel cables, which the mir­rors are fixed on, are guid­ed and con­nect­ed that all mir­rors can be moved simul­ta­ne­ous­ly by two motors. Fix­ing to the roof or mason­ry is com­pat­i­bly easy because of the load dis­tri­b­u­tion and reduced wind and snow load. When the weath­er gets too hot, the mir­rors can be direct­ed towards the sun, pro­vid­ing shades instead of sun­light. This sys­tem can be applied to dif­fer­ent sizes and forms, depend­ing on var­i­ous court­yards. 

Where On top of a dark and unpleas­ant court­yard

2000 1333 Angewandte Milano
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