Discussion effort!

Discussion Effort! by Joachim Tenhalter

Dear Vis­i­tor: at the core of my project is a ques­tion­naire. It attempts to guide a dis­course between design­ers, whilst simul­ta­ne­ous­ly show­ing the entan­gle­ment of dif­fer­ent design-relat­ed subtopics with­in the box-type win­dow. There­fore, it is a project that pre­cedes the rethink­ing.

Who These ques­tions are for design­ers, object nerds and object fanat­ics who like to scratch beneath the sur­face of – let’s call it – mat­ter.

Why The ques­tion­naire is designed to tease out one’s own opin­ion. Some­thing that is quite impor­tant for a dis­cus­sion. Dis­cus­sions that I – if I’m hon­est – miss.

How I arranged the ques­tions in a spe­cif­ic way, so that the space between them is big enough to trans­verse a large the­mat­ic field, yet nar­row enough to not get lost there, and erratic/jumpy enough to sur­prise. Enjoy!

Where You can read this ques­tion­naire on the web­site below.

Yours faith­ful­ly

1000 1500 Angewandte Milano
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