
Corrugated Solar Sheets

Corrugated Solar Sheets

To com­bine the inno­v­a­tive tech­nol­o­gy of organ­ic pho­to­voltaics (OPV) with a com­mon­ly used and time-test­ed mate­r­i­al, the cor­ru­gat­ed sheet

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975 1300 Angewandte Milano
Dak Doos

Dak Doos

Rethink­ing city rooftops for solar pow­er gen­er­a­tion – mod­u­lar sys­tem in the con­text of urban re-den­si­fi­ca­tion

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2200 1467 Angewandte Milano


Dis­cov­ery of a dec­o­ra­tive ele­ment that embod­ies the ambiva­lence of archi­tec­tur­al orna­men­ta­tion.

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2000 1333 Angewandte Milano


An indoor solar pow­er plant, which can be retro­fit­ted or new­ly installed to every space.

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2000 1250 Angewandte Milano


A shad­ing sys­tem attach­able to the exte­ri­or of the win­dow. By block­ing the sun rays hit­ting the win­dow glass, it pre­vents indoor space from being over­heat­ed.

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1575 2000 Angewandte Milano
Tube Ball

Tube Ball

A ball made out of a bicy­cle tube. Light in weight with a low bounce, mak­ing it fun to throw, kick or vol­ley around any space.

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2000 1333 Angewandte Milano
Solar River

Solar River

A col­or­ful, large-scale instal­la­tion made of organ­ic pho­to­volta­ic films.

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2200 1837 Angewandte Milano


A mate­r­i­al study focused to the ten­sile strength of clay con­struc­tions, as clay is very good at bear­ing the pres­sure, but not at bear­ing trac­tive forces.

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2000 1428 Angewandte Milano
Sopherl Dach

Sopherl Dach

Cov­er­ing large urban areas while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly gen­er­at­ing renew­able ener­gy using solar film.

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1792 2105 Angewandte Milano
Growing solar

Growing solar

To inte­grate solar pan­els into urban archi­tec­ture with­out com­pro­mis­ing on aes­thet­ics

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1536 2000 Angewandte Milano