CURTAIBLE by Emil Maria Leckert
The Curtaible is a curtain that can be attached around any kind of table. It works like a stationary garment, keeping heated air underneath the table to warm the legs and body of the sitting person. If the user spends a lot of time time at a desk, for example during home office, a lot of energy can be saved by turning down radiators low and only heating a small space that surrounds the user. This idea is the Western interpretation of the Japanese Kotatsu, which is a very low table with a blanket but no chairs and only the floor to sit on.
Who Anyone who spends a lot of time at desks or tables and is dependent on some kind of heating.
Why In basically every country that has winters like Austria, heating takes the biggest part of all energy consumption of the average inhabitant. To reduce this energy input, the idea of The Curtaible is to just reduce the space we heat. Why pump energy in the entire house/flat if one spends about 8 hours a day primarily in the two square meters of a desk?
In numbers: heating any kind of room to only 18 °C instead of 22 °C will save 23% of energy. Besides the efficiency, The Curtaible also brings a noble and cozy look and can improve the acoustics of a room.
How The curtain separates the space underneath the table by stopping the airflow. The additional electric heating device heats up the air. The user slips their legs through the openings in the curtain. In the human legs there is a lot of blood flow, so the whole body profits from the provided warmth. The fabric is soft and gives a comfortable feeling and the design of the openings makes it easy to move in and out.
The mounting system can be added to any table or can be integrated in the table board. The curtain is also easily mounted during winter months, and dismounted during warmer months.
Where A home office is probably the best application, but The Curtaible can also be used in offices, shared working spaces, restaurants (in- or outdoors) etc.