
CURTAIBLE by Emil Maria Leckert

The Cur­taible is a cur­tain that can be attached around any kind of table. It works like a sta­tion­ary gar­ment, keep­ing heat­ed air under­neath the table to warm the legs and body of the sit­ting per­son. If the user spends a lot of time time at a desk, for exam­ple dur­ing home office, a lot of ener­gy can be saved by turn­ing down radi­a­tors low and only heat­ing a small space that sur­rounds the user. This idea is the West­ern inter­pre­ta­tion of the Japan­ese Kotat­su, which is a very low table with a blan­ket but no chairs and only the floor to sit on.

Who Any­one who spends a lot of time at desks or tables and is depen­dent on some kind of heat­ing.

Why In basi­cal­ly every coun­try that has win­ters like Aus­tria, heat­ing takes the biggest part of all ener­gy con­sump­tion of the aver­age inhab­i­tant. To reduce this ener­gy input, the idea of The Cur­taible is to just reduce the space we heat. Why pump ener­gy in the entire house/flat if one spends about 8 hours a day pri­mar­i­ly in the two square meters of a desk?

In num­bers: heat­ing any kind of room to only 18 °C instead of 22 °C will save 23% of ener­gy. Besides the effi­cien­cy, The Cur­taible also brings a noble and cozy look and can improve the acoustics of a room.

How The cur­tain sep­a­rates the space under­neath the table by stop­ping the air­flow. The addi­tion­al elec­tric heat­ing device heats up the air. The user slips their legs through the open­ings in the cur­tain. In the human legs there is a lot of blood flow, so the whole body prof­its from the pro­vid­ed warmth. The fab­ric is soft and gives a com­fort­able feel­ing and the design of the open­ings makes it easy to move in and out.

The mount­ing sys­tem can be added to any table or can be inte­grat­ed in the table board. The cur­tain is also eas­i­ly mount­ed dur­ing win­ter months, and dis­mount­ed dur­ing warmer months.

Where A home office is prob­a­bly the best appli­ca­tion, but The Cur­taible can also be used in offices, shared work­ing spaces, restau­rants (in- or out­doors) etc.

1024 683 Angewandte Milano
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