Sitzle by Yoomin Sun
A set of two couches placed next to a radiator to maximize the warmth
Where In front of a radiator.
Who People who like to sizzle themselves for the warmth.
Why A radiator is the main heat source of houses and apartments in Europe. However, our habits of living are not an efficient use of this heat source. Radiators are placed on a wall on the far end of a room, yet people spend most of the time in the center of a room as this often depends on the furniture we have and use. ‘Sitzle’ draws people in and makes them spend time next to radiators. Being near the heat source will let people enjoy the warmth in the most efficient way and satisfy them with less heating.
How The most simple and effective way to enjoy the warmth is to be near the heat source. ‘Sitzle’ caters to people’s instincts of spending time next to heat sources – in this case, radiators.