Calesellam by Fabio Schumi
‘Calesellam’ is a riveted aluminium plate chair, which is also a mobile heating device. The parts of a computer that reach high temperatures – the GPU and the Graphic Cards – are attached to the bottom of the computer and radiate heat through the back of the chair/case that the user sitting on it. The user can also heat up ceramic or stone plates using a recently-used oven or leftover hot cooking water.
Why / Where The goal is to create a modern Hypokaustum. You take unused heat energy, which would normally be gradually lost, and reuse it to warm your body at a cold environment (e.g. unheated office/room)
Who Anyone willing to use furniture that can incorporate heat from everyday objects that radiate unused heat/warmth (e.g. oven, heating pots, the back of a fridge, excess water from a shower, electronics)
How By attaching the heated part of a computer – or any other object that emits heat – onto the aluminum plate you can distribute the heat evenly throughout the seating surface, which generates a cozy, warm feeling.