
Calesellam by Fabio Schumi

‘Cale­sel­lam’ is a riv­et­ed alu­mini­um plate chair, which is also a mobile heat­ing device. The parts of a com­put­er that reach high tem­per­a­tures – the GPU and the Graph­ic Cards – are attached to the bot­tom of the com­put­er and radi­ate heat through the back of the chair/case that the user sit­ting on it. The user can also heat up ceram­ic or stone plates using a recent­ly-used oven or left­over hot cook­ing water.

Why / Where The goal is to cre­ate a mod­ern Hypokaus­tum. You take unused heat ener­gy, which would nor­mal­ly be grad­u­al­ly lost, and reuse it to warm your body at a cold envi­ron­ment (e.g. unheat­ed office/room)

Who Any­one will­ing to use fur­ni­ture that can incor­po­rate heat from every­day objects that radi­ate unused heat/warmth (e.g. oven, heat­ing pots, the back of a fridge, excess water from a show­er, elec­tron­ics)

How By attach­ing the heat­ed part of a com­put­er – or any oth­er object that emits heat – onto the alu­minum plate you can dis­trib­ute the heat even­ly through­out the seat­ing sur­face, which gen­er­ates a cozy, warm feel­ing.

1500 2000 Angewandte Milano
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