Discussion Effort! by Joachim Tenhalter
Dear Visitor: at the core of my project is a questionnaire. It attempts to guide a discourse between designers, whilst simultaneously showing the entanglement of different design-related subtopics within the box-type window. Therefore, it is a project that precedes the rethinking.
Who These questions are for designers, object nerds and object fanatics who like to scratch beneath the surface of – let’s call it – matter.
Why The questionnaire is designed to tease out one’s own opinion. Something that is quite important for a discussion. Discussions that I – if I’m honest – miss.
How I arranged the questions in a specific way, so that the space between them is big enough to transverse a large thematic field, yet narrow enough to not get lost there, and erratic/jumpy enough to surprise. Enjoy!
Where You can read this questionnaire on the website below.
Yours faithfully
Contact joachim.tenhalter@aon.at